Results for 'Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta'

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  1.  55
    Public Ethics of Care—AGeneralPublic Ethics.Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta - 2015 - Ethics and Social Welfare 9 (2):183-200.
  2. Bo och problemet med att det finns två kön.Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta - 2019 - In Bo Rothstein, Sven Engström & Sven E. O. Hort (eds.), Om Bo Rothstein: forskaren, debattören, livsnjutaren. Lund: Arkiv förlag.
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    Reimagining Government with the Ethics of Care: A Department of Care.Maggie FitzGerald - 2020 - Ethics and Social Welfare 14 (3):248-265.
    In her 2015 article, Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta notes that ‘the ethics of care is often used as a lens to dissect the current arrangement of care provision (or rather non-care provision) in polici...
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  4. The Green State and Empathic Rationality.Annica Kronsell & Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta - 2015 - In Karin Backstrand & Annica Kronsell (eds.), Rethinking the green state: environmental governance towards climate and sustainability transitions. New York: Routledge, is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business.
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    The esoteric writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky: a synthesis of science, philosophy, and religion.Helena Petrovna Blavatsky - 1980 - Wheaton, Ill.: Theosophical Pub. House.
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    Helena Lorenzová-kolegyně a přítelkyně.Helena Jarošová - 2006 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 42 (4):264-265.
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  7. Interview with helena cronin.Helena Cronin - 2000 - The Philosophers' Magazine 11:46-48.
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  8. Indigenous peoples and genetic population research : Reflections on a culturally appropriate model of indigenous participant consent.Helena Kajlich - 2008 - In Barbara Ann Hocking (ed.), The Nexus of Law and Biology: New Ethical Challenges. Ashgate Pub. Company.
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    The larger social contract.Helena MacDougall - 1947 - [Victoria, Australia,: [Victoria, Australia.
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    Gender as headline and subtext: problematizing the gender perspective in an occupational health project.Gunilla Olofsdotter & Angelika Sjöstedt Landén - 2014 - Vulnerable Groups and Inclusion 5.
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    Helena M. Pycior, Symbols, Impossible Numbers, and Geometric Entanglement. British Algebra through the Commentaries On Newton's Universal Arithmetick.Helena M. Pycior - 1998 - Erkenntnis 49 (3):415-419.
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  12. Creative Couples in the Sciences.Helena M. Pycior, Nancy G. Slack & Pnina G. Abir-am - 1997 - Journal of the History of Biology 30 (2):311-313.
  13. Emotions and social movements.Helena Flam & Debra King - 2011 - In Ann Brooks (ed.), Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
  14. An algebraic approach to non-classical logics.Helena Rasiowa - 1974 - Warszawa,: PWN - Polish Scientific Publishers.
  15. Jedność materialna świata.Helena Eilstein - 1961 - Warszawa]: Książka i Wiedza.
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  16. Includes selections by.Helena Halmari, Lewis Thomas, Mike Adams, GaryPavela Nancy Sommers & John R. Trimble - forthcoming - Techne.
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  17. Developing intra-personal skills as a proactive way to personal sustainability : the preventive side of the mental health equation.Helena Lass - 2018 - In Oliver Parodi & Kaidi Tamm (eds.), Personal Sustainability: Exploring the Far Side of Sustainable Development. New York: Routledge.
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  18. Leyendas árabes sobre el origen de los beréberes.Helena de Jesús de Felipe Rodríguez - 1990 - Al-Qantara 11 (2):379-396.
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    Thinking with Rousseau: From Machiavelli to Schmitt.Helena Rosenblatt & Paul Schweigert (eds.) - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Although indisputably one of the most important thinkers in the Western intellectual tradition, Rousseau's actual place within that tradition, and the legacy of his thought, remains hotly disputed. Thinking with Rousseau reconsiders his contribution to this tradition through a series of essays exploring the relationship between Rousseau and other 'great thinkers'. Ranging from 'Rousseau and Machiavelli' to 'Rousseau and Schmitt', this volume focuses on the kind of intricate work that intellectuals do when they read each other and grapple with one (...)
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  20. Improving organizational integrity through humanistic diversity management: the case of minority-majority relations in healthcare organizations and academic institutions.Helena Desivilya Syna, Amit Rottman & Michal Raz - 2012 - In Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch & Wolfgang Amann (eds.), Business integrity in practice: insights from international case studies. New York, N.Y.: Business Expert Press.
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    Fairness in Criminal Appeal. A Critical and Interdisciplinary Analysis of the ECtHR Case-Law.Helena Morão & Ricardo Tavares da Silva (eds.) - 2023 - Springer International.
    This book addresses the European Court of Human Rights’ fairness standards in criminal appeal, filling a gap in this less researched area of studies. Based on a fair trial immediacy requirement, the Court has found several violations of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights at the appellate level by at least eighteen States of the Council of Europe in a vast array of cases, particularly in contexts of first instance acquittals overturning and of sentences increasing on appeal. (...)
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  22. Anthropologist in the Irish literary world : reflexivity through studying sideways.Helena Wulff - 2015 - In Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Christina Garsten, Shalini Randeria & Ulf Hannerz (eds.), Anthropology now and next: essays in honor of Ulf Hannerz. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
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  23. The mathematics of metamathematics.Helena Rasiowa - 1963 - Warszawa,: Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe. Edited by Roman Sikorski.
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    La implícita visión unitiva en el pensamiento agustiniano.Helena Julia Czosnyka & Miguel A. Eguílaz - 1991 - Augustinus 36 (140-143):59-66.
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    Performance, Ethics and Spectatorship in a Global Age.Helena Grehan - 2009 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book takes performance studies in exciting new directions, exploring the ways in which ethics can be used to understand the complex questions facing contemporary spectators. Engaging with five key performances, the book reflects on the emotional and intellectual impacts of politically inflected performance on spectators, critics and theorists.
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    La ópera King Priam de Tippett: de la épica homérica al drama musical Tippett's Opera King Priam: from Homeric Poetry to Musical Drama.Helena Guzmán - 2011 - Minerva: Revista de Filología Clásica 24:239-267.
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  27. Discourse of Death J The Function of the Local Newspaper.Helena Halmari & Jan-Ola Ostman - forthcoming - Techne.
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  28. Technology and Ecological Values: Confronting Normal Waste as Unavoidable Matter in Modern Society.Helena Jerónimo - 2015 - In Wenceslao J. Gonzalez (ed.), New Perspectives on Technology, Values, and Ethics: Theoretical and Practical. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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    An Introduction into Klacel's Aesthetics (in Czechoslovakian).Helena Lorenzova - 1983 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 20:224-236.
    Klacel's "introduction to aesthetics" is the first attempt at aesthetic system according to hegelian and neohegelian system in neoczech language. in this work it is possible to differentiate three thematic parts: aesthetics as philosophy of beauty and art, the category of aesthetics, and the system of art. (edited).
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    The Apollonian-Dionysian dialectics in the interpretation of the "negrista" poetry of Nicolás Guillén as an atypical case of heterogeneous literature.Helena Modzelewski - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (2):93-100.
    La percepción del Otro desde una perspectiva hegemónica es recurrente en las literaturas heterogéneas, entendidas a grandes rasgos como un tipo de literatura fruto del encuentro entre culturas. Mi objetivo es presentar a la poesía negrista como un evidente caso de literatura heterogénea, aunque con una diferencia: en lugar de perpetuar el punto de vista hegemónico, la poesía negrista latinoamericana, en particular la de Nicolás Guillén, logra una visión de los negros desde la búsqueda de una identidad propia. Teniendo como (...)
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  31. Socio-political tensions in post-millennium images.Helena Sofia Silva - 2021 - In Maria João Baltazar, Tomé Quadros, Jonas Staal & Rita Amaral (eds.), Image in the post-millennium: mediation, process and critical tension. [Eindhoven, The Netherlands]: Onomatopee.
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  32. Heideggerian Hope.Helena Gourko - 1993 - Analecta Husserliana 39:283.
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  33. The Historic Horizons of Meaning in the Japanese Social World.Helena Gourko - 1991 - Analecta Husserliana 35:233.
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  34. Involving distant users in packaged software development: a user community approach.Helena Holmström - 2004 - Iris 27:159-179.
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    (1 other version)Gender and ethics in qualitative interviewing: Research relationships in the context of a study of infertility in portugal.Helena Machado & Susana Silva - 2008 - Ethics 6 (2-3):157-170.
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    Estetiken och Livet. Hans Larssons Nietzsche.Helena Nilsson - 2000 - Res Publica 48:82-86.
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    Sterbehilfe und die strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit des Arztes.Helena Peterková - 2013 - Bern: Stämpfli.
    Das Thema Sterbehilfe gilt zu Recht als eines der typischen Themen im Medizinrecht, wird jedoch meistens vor allem unter dem Aspekt des Strafrechts analysiert. Das ist auch in dieser Arbeit nicht anders, in der die Autorin in erster Linie versucht, auf gewisse Schwächen der traditionellen de facto strafrechtlichen Systematik der Sterbehilfe zu verweisen, sowie auch deren üblicher Terminologie. Der Schwerpunkt der gesamten Arbeit liegt in der ausführlichen Analyse der strafrechtlichen Verantwortlichkeit des Arztes bei der Realisierung von Sterbehilfe und Suizidbeihilfe. Vorgestellt (...)
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  38. The Effects of Women on Corporate Boards on Firm Value, Financial Performance, and Ethical and Social Compliance.Helena Isidro & Márcia Sobral - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (1):1-19.
    The European Commission has recently proposed the introduction of legally binding quotas for women on corporate boards of European companies. This proposal has put the spotlight on the question of whether increasing female representation on the board brings economic benefits to the firm. In order to shed light on the issue, this study investigates the direct and indirect effects of women on the board on firm value. We use a simultaneous equation model to estimate the effects of women on the (...)
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  39. Pragmatism, Evolutionary Theory and the Plurality of Legal Systems: On Susan Haack’s Philosophy of Law.Helena Baldina, Andreas Bruns & Johannes Müller-Salo - 2016 - In Julia Göhner & Eva M. Jung (eds.), Susan Haack: Reintegrating Philosophy. Springer.
    This paper offers an account of Susan Haack’s philosophy of law and points out several aspects within the legal pragmatist tradition that deserve further discussion. Firstly, a systematic presentation of legal pragmatism as it is defended by Haack, who follows Justice Oliver W. Holmes here, is given. Secondly, the limits of an evolutionary perspective of law recommended by legal pragmatism are considered. Finally, the paper discusses whether legal pragmatism is able to handle different legal traditions, thereby focusing on Anglo-American common (...)
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  40. etyka globalizacji a etyka odpowiedzialności globalnej - dylematy \"etyki globalizacji\" Petera Singera.Helena Ciążela - 2007 - Prakseologia 147 (147):51-64.
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  41. Erozja zaufania a prywatność i przejrzystość.Helena Ciążela - 2003 - Prakseologia 143 (143):179-194.
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  42. Opus magnum Michała Hellera.Helena Eilstein - 2008 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 65.
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    Telling You Stories.Helena Grice & Tim Woods - 1998 - Rodopi.
    This is a jubilant and rewarding collection of Winterson scholarship--a superb group of essays from a host of fine authors.
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  44. Individuality in the learning of musical skills.Helena Gaunt & Hallam & Susan - 2008 - In Susan Hallam, Ian Cross & Michael Thaut (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology. Oxford University Press.
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    Marxism and the philosophy of science: a critical history: the first hundred years.Helena Sheehan - 1993 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Skillfully deploring a large cast of characters, Sheehan retraces the development of Marxist philosophy of science through detailed and highly readable accounts of the debates that have characterized it. The opening chapter discussed the ideas of Marx and Engels, and the second, Marxist theoreticians of the Second International. In the third chapter Sheehan covers Russian Marxism up to World War II. Sheehan concludes with a close analysis of the development of the debate among non-Soviet Marxists, placing particular emphasis on the (...)
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    Spásná trýzeň: Miguel de Unamuno a nesmrtelnost.Helena Zbudilová - 2013 - Studia Philosophica 60 (1):19-28.
    The study deals with the conception of personal immortality in Miguel de Unamuno’s works. The starting point of his reflections is a particular person of “flesh and blood“ and his authentic existence. Unamuno’s “hunger of immortality“ is inspired by man’s confrontation with the phenomenon of death. For Unamuno existential phenomena of suffering and anxiety seem to be the keyword to the authentic existence and God then becomes a guarantor of individual immortality. The study concentrates on Unamuno’s conception of God in (...)
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  47. Does affective learning exist in the absence of contingency awareness?Helena M. Purkis & Ottmar V. Lipp - 2001 - Learning and Motivation 32 (1):84-99.
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    Helena Eilstein (ed.), A Collection of Polish Works on Philosophical Problems of Time and Spacetime. [REVIEW]Helena Eilstein - 2004 - Erkenntnis 60 (2):265-270.
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  49. Text and the world. Transposing the thought process in Marie Darrieussecq's Bref sojour chez les vivants.Helena Chadderton - 2010 - In Pierre-Alexis Mevel & Helen Tattam (eds.), Language and its contexts: transposition and transformation of meaning? = Le langage et ses contexts: transposition et transformation du sens? New York: Peter Lang.
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  50. Idea zrównoważonego rozwoju a wspołczesna kondycja moralna.Helena Ciążela - 2004 - Prakseologia 144 (144):53-66.
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